Thursday, 26 March 2015

Basics of Android Architecture for Developers: The Must-Know of Every Developer

Popularity of Android OS is unquestionable! If, today, millions of users use Android-powered mobile devices, a growing count of exciting apps and a surging community of participants make the future even more promising.

In addition to the evident interest among the developers, it’s also the simplistic UI that makes most of the users of this OS to easily change the system setting and insert or remove apps on preference. However the knowledge of all these may not be enough when it comes to Android application development.

What Should a Developer do?
Due to huge popularity of Google Android and its growing use many Android app companies have come up. Many of these companies offer solutions online. They are also consistently searching for good developers. To be a good developer one needs to understand fully the basic architecture of Android OS. Such understanding will render them expert and accomplished Android app developer and they will be very useful for the hiring company.

Android Architecture Diagram
Learning about the building blocks of the Android OS it will be necessary having a view at the Android architecture diagram. It can be seen from the diagram (as cited below) that Android consists of multiple layers. Each of these layers offer unique propositions for the layer located just above it. Taken together, the layers constitute the operating system as well as the apps to be used in them. Layers that combine to create the operating system are as follows.
  • LINUX Kernel that works as the backbone of the operating system.
  • Different libraries for the user to fall back as resources
  • Android apps to be used during run time.
  • Application framework.
  • Dedicated and customized Android app development.
The app that we develop will go to the Android Apps layer.
Now we will look at each of these layers in detail:

Understanding the Backbone Layer

Usually the Android app development company will start the project with the Linux kernel. It works as foundation for the entire operating system. This layer can be customized with the introduction of some custom built apps. Kernel refers to the core of the operating system and it includes Android. Developer should not get confused as they cannot run Linux packages directly onto Android.

Native Android Libraries

With the use of libraries in the operating system the Android app company is able to regulate multiple data types. Main native libraries include the followings.
    • Surface manager combining off screen buffering with the Windows manager works as the vital point in the school.

    • SQLite works as database engine and helps task accomplishment.

    • Webkit. Is browser engine and it has the capability of displaying HTML contents.

    • OpenGL can render 2D and 3D graphics for any project


Tuesday, 24 March 2015

A Secure and Robust Website Calls for Expertise: Why PHP Still Rules the Roost

As a server side scripting language PHP is extremely popular with the developers and designers and at the same time they are also extremely popular with the common users. Their best use is in development of different apps for various sites and thus they can make even the most ordinary sites look exceptional. When it comes to top quality and functional website building, PHP can hardly have any alternative in the information technology industry.

Support for multiple platforms
Developers and designers favor PHP because the PHP app development solution can support multiple platforms and thus due to their versatility they can work well on most of the devices. Users worldwide also prefer this particular facility offered by PHP. Such PHP development solutions can help growth of any business organization. Most of these companies claim to offer dynamic as well as functional web applications but the necessity is that one that have worked on multiple projects using strict quality standards will always be the preferable one for the users and developers.

Companies working with transparency and honesty
It is imperative that the choice company would be the one that will work with transparency as well as honesty. Qualitative PHP application Development Company USA will always look at the greater interests of the users and they will help the growth of the wholesome development of the applications created. In addition; these applications will be functional and innovative and will have the capability of taking the user experience to a new level altogether. Technical experts working in the company should be well versed in the dealing of user interfaces and should also be following very strict standards maintaining high quality. Using the most advanced and latest technologies they will make the apps in such manner that they will be useful for all purposes.

Why choose PHP app development?
One of the most important questions for the prospective buyer would be why he or she should choose the PHP app development process. There are multiple reasons for this.

  • PHP offers a very robust platform that helps the designer and developer to build up websites with innovative features.
  • Websites developed with PHP are always dynamic and has database access as well.

Professions having excellent database skills will always ensure that all data are stored and retrieved in a very efficient manner. Such experts will usually have keen knowledge as well as grasp on the front end technologies such as HTML, Javascript, and CSS and all such other scripting languages used for website designing.

What the best company will offer
When it comes to engaging the best PHP app company for creating the PHP apps for website designing it is pertinent to look for certain things which the site should offer. The solution provided should be cost effective and they should always have in place efficient technological support for the users at real times.

PHP can support multiple frameworks and its intelligent use can bring up many scalable as well as robust solutions. Open source CMS are available that can run on the LAMP. In addition; the language is frequently upgraded for high performance.


Monday, 23 March 2015

What are the Parameters to Select the Right Android App Development Company

An operating system that is extremely popular especially among the mobile device users; Android operating system can run even better when the right apps are added to them. These applications will help enhance the performance of the Android operating system and will take the experience of the users to a new height altogether. However there are several issues that the prospective user needs to address before selecting the app or the company providing them.

It is not the easiest of the tasks
Application development for Android is not the easiest of the tasks to be accomplished and the designers and developers have to address several issues before settling for the application in question. Most important part of the application development is finding out the appropriate user interface for dealing with the use of the operating system. Android App Development Solution should be such that it will be qualitative, efficient in performance, and offers facilities for easy handling of the same by the users. That means users need not have specialized training or knowledge for handling them. The task cut out for the end user would be selecting the right company that will carry out the task of app development for Android in the most transparent and efficient manner without costing the buyer unreasonably.

Apps to go with the ‘needs’ and ‘desires’ of the Smart phone and tablet users
These are the days of smart phones and tablet devices that are not only highly sophisticated but also portable and extremely convenient using. Majority of such devices run on two of the most popular operating systems - Apple iOS and Google Android, in addition to ones from OEMs like Samsung (Bada), Nokia (Symbian) – that are especially made to accommodate the functioning of the portable devices.

Among the two major OSs (Android and iOS) popularity of Android is marginally better than iOS – and it’s growing pretty consistently over the years. It is pretty likely to march ahead of everyone’s outreach. What still remains to be constant is the fact that when it’s about offering the best experience and value, Android like the iOS, is dependent on different types of apps. It proves why businesses and brands remain in constant contact with developers and designers to ensure that their respective end-user remain consistently engaged.

So the defining factor in finding the right expert is to have someone who has experience and talent to attend to the creative and technical needs of developing a winning app.

Using the services of a reliable and reputable company
For effective development and use of Android apps it is necessary that the prospective buyer chooses one of the most accomplished and reliable application development companies. It is necessary that the Android apps developed authorize the smart phone of tablet device appropriately. That is why the end user as buyer requires the services of a reliable and reputable Android App Company that will accomplish the task of app development for him or her conveniently and at the best reasonable prices.

When in house staff is not accomplished enough
Necessity of using the services of a reliable and reputable company becomes more and more prominent when the in house staff or experts are not able to cope up with the challenges faced by them in the process of application development for Android devices. With their experience and expertise in the field the companies taking up the task will be able to fulfill the requirements pretty nicely and they will usually come up with updated and innovative applications for use with the Android based devices.


The Past and Present of iPhone Application Development –How to Secure the Best from an App, despite ‘Android’ Challenge

Apple iPhone is in the top rungs among the leading mobile devices and millions of people use it on daily basis. About a decade ago, new competitors emerged posing serious challenges to the Apple product. Most of these products were Google Android operated and this resulted in iPhone app developers taking seriously to innovative and effective app development to keep it ahead of the rivals.

The Flurry Analytics Comparison
Back in the year 2009, Flurry Analytics of San Francisco posted a blog captioned “Smartphone Industry Pulse, July 2009”.
Comparison of app development of iPhone and Android
First of the above chart indicates the position of app developers for iPhone and the second for Android. It was expected that by the end of 2009, App Stores will possess over one hundred thousand apps.
Changing Trends in App Development
While the iphone phone development services company around the world continues to develop innovative apps for iPhone, the competitor Google Android is also accelerating its pace in market occupation. The following graphs show the new project status of iPhone app development and Android app development.
The graph below clearly shows that the Android growth is greater in comparison and that is what is concerning many of the iPhone app development services USA and they are now thinking in terms of newer and unique apps for iPhone users. 
How App Development Companies Approach the Problem
Leading iPhone app development companies in and around USA are now developing on remote synchronization of data and application development based on telephone and message dispersing. Another area that they are paying attention is the video content deliveries of mobile applications. Mobile devices can be conveniently used for multiple solutions across different types of industries. Applications that are developed for iPhone, smart phones as well as Android are much faster compared to other mobile apps that are around. That is why the requirement is getting a reliable and reputable company that will take care of the app development for iPhone taking care of all aspects.
What a Professional App Development Company Offers
Basically due to the Android threat and competitions coming up from other quarters the field of iPhone application development USA has taken a jumpstart. However, the prospective user has to select a company or service provider that has mastery in mobile applications and can provide the best at the cheapest. Today there are some extremely efficient app developer companies that build up and offer apps for all types of mobile devices including the iPhone. The offers include –
    • Development of apps for all mobile devices including iPhone.
    • Apps for business planning as well as plotting and management.
    • Apps for the utility system management.
    • Apps for messaging and communication that will also cover the social networks and blogs.
    • Health care, automotive and travel related apps for iPhone.
Despite the prolific Android threat the popularity of iPhone has not reduced and with appropriate latest apps the user experience could reach a new height. Only a reliable and efficient app developer company can help achieve the objective.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Addressing the Complexities of iPhone Application Development: Points to Pay Heed to!

Apple App store has been the repository of many apps that make Apple iPhone so much useful and inetersting! However like most other mobile devices iPhone also requires a continuous development (read, evolution) as well as use of various efficient, updated, and advanced apps that can take the experience of the iPhone users to a different level altogether.

The problem is that the task cut out for the prospective developers and designers is not the easiest of the lot and they have to address various issues to accomplish the task of app development for the iPhone.

Evolution of iPhone making the task of developer complicated
In the past the designers and developers developing apps for iPhones did not face much problems. Reason was that the iphones those days were small in size and apps used on them were tiny in size and required no more than one interfaces. But the process of iPhone application development solution has become much more complicated with the introduction of large sized iPhones in recent times by Apple. They have larger screens and apps now added to them require more than one interface and the developers have to adapt the apps working better with the iPhones.

Not the easiest of the tasks for the developer and designer
Most of the developers find that the apps developed for iPhones complex process because of such evolution in the iPhone design. However top quality iPhone apps development services India have taken these as challenges in designing and have found out suitable methods for addressing them. Problems faced by the developers is that the iPhone apps developed need to work well for the smaller as well as the larger iPhones available in the market.

Complexities that developed with iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
Basically the complexities of developers dealing with iPhone app development increased with the introduction of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus models by Apple. Some developers tried scaling up of the app to fit in with the larger screens of these models of iPhones. In fact these phones are fast approaching the size of smaller tablets. A number of existing iPhone apps deal with different types of landscape supports but they do not support it.

On screen controls on iPhone apps
Sometimes it will be required that the onscreen controls are used so that the apps can fit in with the larger screens of these iPhones. It is also necessary that the controls become larger enough so that they could be easily manipulated and that they can match well with other display elements on the iPhones. That is why the iPhone app development company USA takes care to ensure that they provide enough on screen control for the users so as to make their experiences hassle free and pleasant in all respects.

In all these the designer has to take care of at least one aspect which is not compromising the qualitative aspects in any manner in the process of app development for iPhone. This means that the complexities that the designers and developers are facing with increase in the screen sizes of the latest iPhone models can be suitably addressed when they will develop apps common to all screen sizes. 

How to Efficiently deal with Server Side Scripting in a PHP Application Development

One of the best server side scripting languages around, PHP is the favorite of most of the designers and developers for application development. It is one of the most extensively used scripting languages around for web development. The scripting language was developed for the first time in the year 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf and since then has not looked back being one of the most sought after applications in the Information technology industry.

Extensive use of PHP for web development
Not only is the PHP application development important for the web development but is also most extensively used app development tool. In development of 82% of websites the server side programming language is PHP. A recent survey conducted by the W3 Techs, in terms of popularity PHP is second only to Java programming language. It also ranks sixth in the Tiobe index results. Till now six regular and one beta version of PHP has hit the market with PHP 7 the latest being introduced in beta form in 2015. In programming index ranking thus PHP stands second overall just after Java.

Why developers prefer PHP for web development
It does not mean that PHP has no downsides but when compared to the advantages offered the downsides are too obnoxious in comparison. There are some specific reasons why developers lover to use PHP for app development. Some of the most pertinent reasons are as follows.
  • PHP is very popular because it is easy learning. Small learning curve associated with the server side programming language makes it the favorite of the developers and designers.
  • It is easy to deploy and can be developed very fast without any hassles. PHP is very accessible and one of the best web programming languages around. Installed on huge number of servers including most of the shared web hosting plans, they constitute one of the most suitable tools for the designers and developers.
  • Improvement of PHP is supported by excellent documentation as well as updated resources that are available online.
Preference by Indian developer companies
Many top ranking PHP app development company India prefer use of PHP for application development because it offers scope for developing rewarding business for them. For many developers it offers excellent opportunities to find out jobs. For instance; an assessment by a leading surveying company indicated that PHP as the server side scripting language is only behind Java and ahead of many others like Python and Perl and certainly much higher than Ruby and objective C in comparison. PHP thus continues to be one of the most preferred and extensively used programming languages that are around.

Consistent evolution of PHP
Another most important reason why the php app company would prefer to use PHP is because the language is evolving consistently and has moved on from PHP1 to PHP 7 in a short time span. The language continues to evolve and consistent improvements are made in their efficiency and capabilities.

All said and done PHP app development is one of the most convenient processes used for web development and basically PHP app development is dealing with server side scripting language.


Thursday, 19 March 2015

An Efficient iPhone App Can Mean So Much to a brand: The Need is to have an Expert by the Side!

No one can deny the huge popularity of iPhones today because of their classy appearances as well as many interesting features they represent. Adding productivity as well as rewarding returns for any business the device has put Apple as one of the two top mobile companies in the market. One of the reasons for such popularity is the creative applications the iPhone offers and the chances it offers for further customization of the apps. It is a craze among the users and addition of quality apps can easily enhance its efficiency.

Reliable and reputable service provider can help
A reliable and reputable iPhone phone development services company can give great results for the users by developing innovative and attractive apps for the iPhone. That is why most of the users today look forward to obtaining the services of such company for getting the customized but effective apps for their device. While there are numerous companies offering such services, the task of the prospective buyer is cut out at finding the best among them who will provide them with the desired app development services at most competitive prices.

A Profitable Business
Recent surveys conducted by proficient agencies have revealed that iPhone app development is turning out to be one of the most profitable businesses around in United States and the entire world. Since every enterprise look forward to making huge profit in the process there has been mushroom growth of iPhone app development services USA of late. However, as already pointed out, the prospective buyer should trade with adequate care and caution for dealing with the provider company. Unless and until the provider deals with them in a transparent and user-friendly manner there may not be any justification of choosing such company for iPhone app development project. App development for iPhone offers one of the best platforms for innovation and creativity and that is what the designer companies are trying to take advantage of.

2-way benefits offered by iPhone app development
Basically the process of iPhone app development offers two way benefits. It is beneficial for the business enterprises for which the app is developed and it is equally beneficial for the end users. That is why the popularity of such app development is consistently on the rise.

Impacts on multiple sectors of the society
A look at the iphone application development USA industry will indicate that it has some significant impacts on all sectors of the society. Perhaps the greatest impacts of such developments are noticeable in the fields of entertainment, media, and commercial worlds. Without semblance of doubts; the iPhone apps offer one of the best platforms for entertainment with movies, music, games as well as various fun based apps. In the same way it has also helped the growth of productivity and profitability in the commercial world as one can organize timings, and manage different customer relationship works as well as projects.

In the days of high popularity of mobile devices - and especially that of iPhones, the app development process also has to cater to the ever changing tastes and preferences of the customers. Only a reliable and proficient app development company can ensure this.

An Android App can Render a Smooth Passage for your Target Visitor

Based on LINUX kernel, Android is perhaps the most popular operating system in modern times. It has been developed by the “Android Open Source Project” or AOSP in short with the leading search engine Google as the team leader. Background processing is supported by the system and additionally the developer or the user can resort to both 2-D and 3-D graphics. For this they have to use the Open GL standards in combination with the SQL ite database that is embedded in the system.

Use of apps to enhance the Android performances
However like all other operating systems, Android also requires various applications that can enhance its performance and visibility. Usually the Android apps include various visual as well as non-visual components that could be put to multiple reuses by developers and users. However developing efficient apps for the operating system requires using the services of proficient Android app development company that will not only provide qualitative apps at reasonable prices but will customize the same according to the requirement and budgets of the client.

The task concept and its use
Normally the Android app company will work on the concept of “task” that refers to reuse of various other apps and their components in the app developed for Android. Applications developed by them can access other components in Android for such development and making the app all-inclusive and usable on all Android devices. It does not matter whether the component so used is actually part of the app developed and the use is meant to make the application more efficient and readily usable. A photo would be selected from the component and it will be returned to the app so that the selected photo can be used.

Different levels of app development

When it comes to Android app development the process has to pass through different levels. Usually the stages are as follows.
  • Stage of using default applications provided by the Android Open Source Project. They can be browsers, galleries, music, camera, phone and many others.
  • Use of the application framework which is an API that allows very high levels of interactions including the Android systems and the applications.
  • The stage of using the libraries and runtimes is one where the graphic rendering, data storage and web browsing and Dalvik runtime. It is the core of the Java libraries that will run all types of Android apps.
  • The last stage is the use of LINUX kernel that works as the communication layers for underlying hardware.
All these apps are encapsulated for proper application by the efficient Android app companies and they will typically function with a couple of layers creating the new Android apps.

Different Android development tools are used for the purpose of app development for Android like the Android SDK, Android debug bridge, and Android studio. These tools help create and compile various packages of Android applications. While most of the tools are command line oriented the primary way of development of these apps for Android are based on some programming language like Java.


Tuesday, 17 March 2015

How Experience Holds Key in PHP App Development

PHP is one of the best ways of getting the top quality as well as functional websites. When it comes to getting best PHP solutions that would be cost economic and extremely effective then the obvious issue that will crop up for the prospective user is finding the best (read, most suitable) app development company. Such a company will not only offer the users excellent products, but also will present them the product at most competitive prices – along with a follow up the process highlighted with excellent after sales services. Having an app developed by such experts it does not wait to be said how the developer or end user will create efficient and qualitative functional website easily.

How is the Services rendered by such company useful for the client

There are multiple reasons that would inspire the prospective client to go for the services of a reliable and reputable PHP app company for getting the appropriate solution. Some of the main reasons for this are that the services offered would be cost efficient and at the same time such developer companies are easily available. However the prospective client should trade with care and caution because every developer company is not equally qualitative. Such companies will not only provide some of the best solutions relating to PHP apps but will also provide all types of technological support for the client.

Application Development Companies in United States

Usually PHP will support numerous frameworks that the developer can use conveniently for any app development. At the same time learning the process is easy enough. However in world of technology there is no alternative for experience and hard work and that is what a reputable PHP app development company USA will offer its clients. Realizing that for the PHP app development they have access to a host of CMS that can run on LAMP these companies work on the PHP app with consistent language upgrading helping the client with better performance. Such a company will have a team of professional technical experts who knows the trick of the trade like the back of their palms and can stand up to nay challenge that comes their way.

Multiple solutions with pup app development

A host of solutions can be created with PHP app development. These include e-commerce stores, CRM tools, web portals and various other such apps.

The PHP app development solution offered by quality service provider can take care of all the issues that come on the way of app development by the developer.

What to look for in the service provider company

Prospective client should see to it that the service provider company he or she has chosen integrates web services with API and customizes various e-commerce apps helping business promotion online in the most rewarding manner. In addition; such provider should be experienced in divergent fields of operation such as finance, fashion, IT, travel and tourism, hospitality, and social media networking etc.

Since there are different types of technologies for PHP development, the provider company should be well conversant with all forms and variations so that they are able to provide tailor made PHP solution for the client.


Monday, 16 March 2015

Android App Development: What Results in Fast-Paced, Error-Free Solutions

World of information technology is running at a very fast pace and mobile device users will never relish something that is sluggish in operation. Appearance of messages like “clashes” or “attempt failed” are some that would not be preferred by them and this is what apps like Google Play will return on the screen when the apps are either slow or not stable enough. Apps cannot succeed by chance and they have to be effective to work properly. Performance and pace is what matters most in the mobile users’ circles and that applies to one of the most popular mobile device platforms; the Google Android. Creating fast paced solutions is therefore the solution.

Developers can go wrong in their bid for creating fast Android Apps

Where the developers often go wrong is their inability to appreciate the fact that the same application that works nicely on one device can act rather impish on another. Worst part of it is that they can behave weirdly even on mobile devices working on similar platforms and with identical hardware. A qualitative Android App company will take care of these aspects and will always come up with apps that are compatible with various platforms and devices and are fast performers as well.

Results of extensive tests carried out on performances of Android App
Tests carried out on multiple Android devices like the Samsung Galaxy S4, S5 and others to find out whether the performance of the apps is stable. Tests were carried out using automated systems and it was found that problems were experienced in screenshots, analysis of the performances as well as in the rate of success in test runs. Besides hardware divergences software differences were also taken into consideration focusing especially on the variations of versions of operating systems. In both cases the results were the same.

There is involvement of numerous other software

Basically the app that is developed is software but it is dependent on the proper functioning of several other components in the device. The problems are pronounced in case of in built software. Some of the common issues relating to software use experienced by the developers Android operating system are often accused for platform fragmentation

Advantage of using Android OS in comparison to its iOS counterpart is that it can be used in devices irrespective of their shapes. For most users effective Android app development solution does not relate to device compatibility or platform independence. The only issue at times is its slow operation on certain devices which the developer needs to address making them faster in response. Typical situation experienced by developers is represented in the following graphical chart.

Reduction of the failure rates can be possible by creating fast paced solutions for the Android apps and only a reliable and reputable service provider can ensure this with their innovative and qualitative app development process. While Google and other Android sponsors are trying hard to get rid of the difficulties that still persists with its latest versions, app development by intelligent developers can help the cause substantially. At the same time it will open up new vistas of career for the prospective developer.


Thursday, 12 March 2015

How To Use NetBeans and Virtual Box for App Development with PHP

Designers and developers looking forward to develop effective PHP apps for users often resort to use of virtual environment in application development process. Reason is that in doing so they spare their main computer from possible threats of program mismatch and other technical problems since the entire operation is carried out in a virtual environment. Use of virtual box helps the developer to use remote connection dispensing with the necessities of editing or uploading numerous files for developing the application. At the same time the source code for the application would be stored in the local computer of developer and will not be lost.

Virtual environment provides scope for multiple app development

Users and developers opting for the virtual environment, NetBeans and virtual box may not be confined to application development with PHP alone and they can develop other apps based on various tools like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla and various others. However owing to their ease of use and quality, PHP continues to be one of the most favored platforms for app development. A frenetic search for an experienced PHP app development company is not uncommon – and more often than not, such a hunt often leads to Indian talents with proven experience in delivering cost-competitive solutions.

Easy ways of developing PHP applications

One of the easiest and convenient ways of developing applications using PHP is using the NetBeans IDE. NetBeans is a tool with multiple compatibilities as it is compatible with Java, C++, as well as PHP. A prudent step for the prospective developer or user would be also using the VirtualBox and different types of virtual machines like the Turnkey Linux LAMP. Task that is cut out for the designer involved in the providing PHP application development service is coordinating all these tools and platforms so that they work in tandem helping out the development of best and most effective PHP application.

The application developing process

The process of application development using PHP therefore is quite simple. The designer has to download NetBeans and VirtualBox from the related websites with all their default features. He or she should also install Turnkey LINUX web in order to download LAMP. Clicking on the “new” tab will open up the following box for the designer.

Installing the required LINUX version and using the “virtual download manager” tab the designer will proceed in designing the app. He should use the “bridge adapter” to display the following screen.

Moving on to PHP application development

The next step for the developer or designer would be moving on the process of PHP application development. Using WordPress he or she should create a new project with the NetBeans using the PHP application with all existing sources. Clicking the “next” button to continue the developer should move to the “browse” button to select the source of WordPress files. Clicking the “open” tab and then “next”, “remote web site” and “run as” and finally the “finish” button the developer will get to the following screen.

In the process NetBeans will easily create the new PHP app and project for the developer and opening the “PHP MyAdmin” tab he or she will be able to run the application. Only requirement will be changing the IP address of the virtual machine to the real one.


What it Takes to Developing Your Own Android Application

Android is very popular among the mobile device users and its popularity is growing consistently. Enterprises and businesses seeking to cash in on the best of mobility now therefore take to developing their customized Android application. Getting started in the right way with Android application development is therefore essential for the prospective developer. In order to achieve the objective, understanding the basics involved in the process is indispensable. Prospective developer can start from learning the fundamentals in respect of the app development process and it can open up avenues for them to be hired by leading companies associated with app development using Android.

Creating the right environment for app development
Before one starts Android app development it is very important setting up the right environment – the right base, for accomplishment of the task. To begin with a couple of steps would be great help.
  • Prospective developer should download the Android studio.
  • He or she should also download the latest Android SDK.
These downloads will render the base for carrying out the designing of customized Android app providing the developer will the platform to move ahead.

What the Android Project contains
Usually the project to be prepared using Android will contain all the source files including the source code relating to the app that is developed. It is the same for the freelance developers as is with any qualitative Android app development company. However for creating such app it is necessary that the developer has already installed Android studio as well as SDK.

Process of creating the new Android project
Steps involved in creating the new Android project for a developer are as follows.
  • Either open the project or in the welcome screen displayed by the Android studio click on the “New Project” tab.
  • A screen as below will appear on the screen where the developer will carry on the next steps in the process.
  • Developer will have to fill out the required fields in the “configure new project” page and proceed by clicking on the “next” tab. The fields that are required to be filled out on the page are the name of the application as determined by the developer, name of the package, domain name of the company, as well as the location of the project.
  • Since Android apps are basically meant for the mobile devices like smart phone, tablets and such others, the next step of the developer will be selecting the “phone and tablet” tab on the box.
  • Minimizing SDK could be a requirement and this can be ensured by selecting API 8: Android 2.2.
For app development with Android, no other steps would ordinarily be required.

Creating the distinguishing features of the app
Final step in development of the app, especially when it is meant for one of the Android app companies would be identifying the activities for accessing the app and they could be multiple. Usual process is including one main and a number of sub-activities in the app. Each activity will have its own specific function and use for the end user.

Once the app with Android is developed in the above manner there is no reason why it will not be widely appreciated in user’s circles and attract leading IT companies to opt for the same.


Monday, 9 March 2015

Why PHP Continues to be So Popular Across the Globe As Web App Development Platform?

When it comes to developing a web app, PHP still rules the roost! PHP has been the most popular language platform for over a decade now among developers, during which everyone witnessed how PHP have been thoroughly the first choice among website development as the core language – primarily in most Content Management System (CMS) centric websites. While we all know that WordPress, Joomla and Drupal etc used very frequently (with WordPress leading the trio in the general CMS technology) as the CMS (content management system) are developed on PHP language.
PHP a Flexible technology
Developers of a PHP app company have the luxury of using a language platform that gives them flexibility to structure the coding as per their customization. And PHP is best in this part – almost un-challenged!
In a PHP program, a developer can use client scripting along with server side coding very easily.
For example, in a scenario where in if a particular data is to be attributed with an alert box, in such a scenario, the developer can use server-side coding to connect and fetch data from database - and on a particular data-set it can use alert box of javascript, which is a client-sided script!
Open Source, Cost-competitive
PHP is an open source language, so the setup cost for a PHP app development company in USA or any other part of the world, for developing a web app is near to free. Also, due to the global and open community support, if a developer gets stuck at the middle of programming then he/she can easily get the support from multiple sources. One of the main such sources is Github, where all major products of PHP, libraries of PHP, frameworks can be found and used.
PHP may not have the predefined designing layout or architecture of websites, but a developer can easily design a website using HTML, which is pretty easy to code and can be used anywhere in the PHP file - wherever a particular design is needed.
Another great feature of PHP is that it can easily be edited through any popular editor like dreamweaver, editplus etc. In fact, the windows default notepad can also be used to edit a PHP file.
Software like Wamp server, enables a developer to test the developed site locally! As a result, making it possible for the developer to avoid wasting time in uploading the files to the web server - that is to host the PHP app development solution - to test the web app and also see if any modification is required in files then those will need to be uploaded again in the web server. These kinds of repetitive works can be avoided with PHP and services like Wamp server at the helm. After being through with the initial steps, and attending to the necessary alterations if required, the developer can finally upload the final files to the web server after testing and debugging and modifying the files.

Android Developers Must Know: What is the best approach to develop an Android App?

In the present world, there are many erstwhile software development experts – both organizations and individuals - prefer engaging their talent in building android apps, for the reasons obvious. Though there are many ways (read, models) to develop an app, the development team needs to put their heads down to decide on the approach that’s waterproof and efficient. If the approach towards the development of an app is good then there are maximum chances for an app to be successful.
So, better the development approach is, better will be the app.
But then what is a better approach?
The blueprint of success
The first and foremost step is to install an Android SDK. After that the developer should build a solution project, based on which a test application should be run to see if the development environment is properly setup or not.
After the final setup of the development environment, an android app company, or an individual that may be (depending on the scale and budget of an app) should finalize the user interface of the app. If the coding part is started without finalizing the design, then designing while coding or after the coding is a cumbersome process.
A good android app development solution is that one which acts as per the user interface. So addition of action bar as per the activity of the app is very essential.
Now a day, an app which runs on different devices like tablet, mobile etc. smoothly without any interference is sure to garner more subscription, and thus business. The developer will have to assess is there any requirement to integrate any alternative resource or by internal coding device supportive app can be developed.
A good app always knows when to execute a program and when to wait for a program to finish before starting another program. This process of execution is known as Activity Life Cycle. The developer of an android app company should write the code to start an activity, pause an activity, resume an activity and finish an activity.
A user interface of an app should response based on resolution of the device. The developer should decide how to maintain the screen responsiveness so that he/she will doesn’t have to compile multiple .apk files for multiple devices; rather a single .apk should complete the task.
The nature of the data transfer defines the speed of the app. In case of some static data which are not defined to change always then these data can be stored in the local temporary memory of the device, some data which are tend to change dynamically these data need to be stored and retrieved in and from a web centric database of app development solution. But if the data is travelled through a web database then the speed of the app will be much slower, so the developer has to optimize and use the database in a smarter way.
Interaction of the app with other apps should also be considered by the developer. Like an app which sends the image of the product by enabling the user to capture through device camera.
By following these above steps a good and precise app can be built. For a more precise hand-holding contact a professional app developer.