Thursday, 2 April 2015

A Comparison of PHP and ASP.Net & What Has the Future in Store for Enterprises Needing an App

In the world of web app development, PHP and ASP.Net is a couple of most extensively used server side scripting language. PHP is open source whereas ASP.Net is commercial. A comparison of their performance, complexities, and supports offered, scalability, and cost can be immense help to developers and users. This article delves in detail about the future that these two technologies have in store.

There have been a lot of debates on the relative usefulness of PHP and ASP.Net in the world of web app development. The pertinent question is which one of them is the better performer and cost economic. A comparison of their relative complexities, costs involves, performance, support, and scalability could be relevant in answering the question.

Use in Large Web Applications

Ordinarily a PHP app company will use either PHP or ASP.Net for creating large applications. They are also very useful for designing large websites. Many developers and users have wrong notion that it is speed that matters but the thing that matters most is simplicity and ease of navigation and not just speed.

The Comparison
When comparing the use of PHP and ASP.Net in designing web applications the following factors come to light.
  • Both the programming languages are extremely scalable.
  • PHP being open source and running on such open source platforms is most cost effective.
  • Developing apps with ASP.Net will require twice as much codes writing in comparison to PHP app development process.

Performance Appraisal of PHP and ASP.Net
Performance comparison of the two scripting languages is well represented by the following graphical charts. First of the images below indicates the time taken by apps developed with different scripting languages to search and find out the small websites. 

Searching of small websites time comparison
Several tests were conducted by the researchers on the speed and run time of PHP and ASP.Net and it was found that the later is much faster on both counts. However it was not the end of the road for PHP as it was found to be a better performer on many scores in comparison to ASP.Net.

Maintenance and Scalability Counts

When it comes to maintenance and scalability issues it is found that a lot depends on the experience and expertise of the developer concerned. Experience, practices, framework and following the guidelines will help. Yet PHP scores much better as it is simpler and easier to handle. Usually PHP app development company USA shows better performance in comparison to the one dependent on ASP.Net.

Other Considerations for Comparison

Web applications should be able to easily access and query the databases and send the output results to the web servers. Database applications all over the world lead by ORACLE are fighting fiercely for speed as well as performance. New features are coming up quite consistently. Both PHP and ASP.Net has the capability of accessing database platforms quickly but apps created with PHP find the further navigation easier in comparison.

PHP is not only open source but also runs on open source platforms like LAMP and LINUX conveniently and that gives the developer access to huge resources in addition to being cost economic.

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